A suicide story

Hopeworks Community

I read today the statistics have changed. Someone dies every 40 seconds from suicide.

This is a suicide story.

He was 12 or 13 when his mother died. She had problems for a long time. She was in and out of psych hospitals all the time. There was more than one suicidal gesture. And finally she was successful. (Doesnt it sound a little bit obscene to describe death as a successful anything??) For no particular reason, on no particular night she took enough pills to kill 3 people and died. Strangely enough after she took the pills she was sorry she did. She wanted to change her mind. It took 3 days for all her organ systems to completely shut down. By then she was in a coma. They pulled the plug and she died.

But he was never released. He didnt make it through school. He learned that if…

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Amazing Grace – Best Version By Far!

Amazing Grace – Best Version By Far!


The is by far one of the best versions of this Hymn I have ever heard. It so tells my life story. Put on headphones or find a quite place where you can sit back and be touched by this most beautiful version of Amazing Grace.

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Gay Pride Participants Mock Jesus and the Bible in a Disturbing Way

WebInvestigator.KK.org - by F. Kaskais


Sao Paulo (Brazil) – Tens of thousands participated at the annual Gay Pride march.

Participants marched through the heart of Brazil’s business metropolis, this year slogan was:”I was born this way, I grew up so I will always be like this: respect me.”

Organizers said they expected upwards of two million people to attend the event, the largest of its kind anywhere in the world.

Some marchers carried rainbow flags while one held aloft a giant banner proclaiming “proud to be a transvestite.”

Brazilian broadcaster Globo indicated the city authorities had spent in the region of $500,000 on helping to organize the event.

The parade also targeted Christians. Banners like “Christians are homophobe” “Jesus was Gay” etc…could be seen all over the parade.

Even a gay Jesus…

Some pictures!



Is this what the Supreme Court VOTED FOR?



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